Project Description
The main objective of the Engineering water supply (WASH) Project was to assist the needed of Kandahar Province Afghanistan. The project was held and conducted in District 9 of Kandahar Province based on the demand and required of the area people, in preparing to provide a reliable and safe 24-hour water supply service to almost 600 families or 4200 rural dwellers in district 9 Kandahar
Afghanistan. The Project resulted from a series of Government and province schemes, through
which the significance was identified as the most appropriate long-term solution to the area’s water shortage problem.
Evaluation and Implementation of the project
The underlying project objective—to increase the supply of water to inhabitants of
District 9 of Kandahar Province Afghanistan—remained the same throughout implementation. Relevance of the Project clearly increased with time, considering the ever-increasing population and the continued deterioration of the water supply and sanitation services in the rural areas. Throughout the Project, the need was emphasized for equitable distribution of water both for Rahmani Jadah Masjid Water supply and Baba Wali Water supply projects, and within metropolitan of district 9 itself. Particular attention was paid to providing water to the rural poor. The prepared of this engineering project, not only aims to improve and expand water delivery, but also requires (i) establishment of the district 9 Water Authority, to holistically manage all water in the District 9 of Kandahar Province Afghanistan, and thus preserve the quality and quantity of water resources; (ii) establishment of the National Water Supply Regulatory Board, to oversee policy implementation for the water supply and sanitation sectors; (iii) enactment of a law on groundwater licensing, to facilitate the controlled extraction of groundwater; (iv) introduction of an overall charging scheme based on full cost recovery; (v) private sector management of rural water supplies, from source to consumers.
Project Management
providing consulting services to (a) coordinate activities of the co-financiers of the investment project; (b) review the design and tender documents, and conduct tender evaluations of all project WASH; (c) report on project progress; (d) account for project costs; (e) prepare financial, economic, environmental, and social analyses of the investment project; (f) conduct socioeconomic, regional planning, and environmental surveys; and (g) Prepare a public awareness program encompassing for consuming water daily.
The Result of the identification Process
In order to finish the work within the implementation period and budget, instead of gathering data on their own, the advisory committee and consultant had to make assumptions regarding key issues such as the location of demand need, per-capita demand figures, daily and seasonal peak factors, and annual population n growth. From the realized Project performance and outcome, it can be seen that the Project had been adequately designed through the correct definition of problems, the accurate identification of project objectives, and the viable choice of implementation strategy. At the same time, the identification process is closely linked to different stakeholders, this ensure the Project is able to create impacts to the right target beneficiaries.