Our Program Approach
We take a right-based approach that is based on the context and needs/priorities of the target beneficiaries. We are committed to perusing the following Standards:
1: Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), which focuses on accountability to right-holders, host communities, partners and stakeholders.
2: We are committed to respect and implement organizational a humanitarian Code of Conducts.
3: We do understand and respect Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief (1994)
4: We are strongly supporting Afghanistan NGO’s Code of Conduct.
5: We are committed to respect and thus implement the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, (the Sphere Project)
6: In our programming, we do implement the IASC Gender Handbook and Gender Marker 7. We are supporting the ‘Do No Harm’ framework
Our Strengths:
1: Qualified and Experienced Staff: Our staff are the treasure of the organization. HOPA staff are dedicated professionals who offer experience, expertise and qualifications that are relevant, and specific to the context. HOPA continues to further strengthen the capacity of its staff, with increased focus on recruitment of a qualified and experienced talent pool.
2: Policies and Procedures: HOPA has developed a 5-year strategic plan, organizational policies, manuals, procedures and operating systems for the organization
3: Financial and Procurement Management Systems: HOPA has standard financial and procurement management systems that build on the principles of protecting the resources entrusted upon us from waste, fraud and misuse.
4: Diversification of Funding Resources for Sustainability: HOPA sustainability strategy includes working with government institutions, donors, development partners, private sector partnerships, regional and international alliances, and individuals.
5: Communication, Coordination and Reporting Systems: HOPA has established strong internal and external communications, coordination and reporting systems.
6: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) System: HOPA has strong, evidence-based MEL and knowledge management systems to ensure deliverables and project achievements, built on the principles and lessons learnt from collaborating learning, and Adapting (CLA) and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). These systems will improve implementation, management and operational effectiveness, transparency, and most importantly, impact and sustainability.
7: Program and Information Management System (IMS): HOPA has developed an innovative and user-friendly program and information management system that ensures all data, information, and reports on achievements of project objectives/expected results are properly archived.